Namespace Fluxzy.Rules
- FilterDistinctiveAttribute
Put this attribute on a filter property to include the value to the unique hash id generation.
- MultipleScopeAction
Defines a class of Action that can be run several times during the same exchange. The RunScope property allowed to set the specific scope when the action should be run.
- RuleConfigContainer
This is a companion for deserialization rules from config files It allows multiple action declaration inside the same rule
- VariableContext
Retrieving variables and updating variables. This object is unique per proxy instance
- VariableEvaluationHelper
Helper for evaluating variables in a string. The default syntax of a variable is ${variableName}
- IVariableHolder
Attribute implementing this interface will indicates a possible variable holder.
- FilterScope
The filter scope defines the minimal timing where a filter can be run. These specific timing are :
- OnAuthorityReceived : This scope denotes the moment fluxzy is aware the destination authority. In a regular proxy connection, tt will occur the moment where fluxzy parsed CONNECT request.
- RequestHeaderReceivedFromClient : The moment when the full request header is parsed
- RequestBodyReceivedFromClient : This timing is trigger only after the request body is sent to the upstream due to streaming
- ResponseHeaderReceivedFromRemote : The moment where fluxzy got the response header from the server
- ResponseBodyReceivedFromRemote : (Aka complete) This timing is trigger only after the response body is sent to the downstream due to streaming.
- OutOfScope : Indicates a filter that is not usable for live alteration. This kind of filter applies only for view filters in Fluxzy Desktop