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Reading archive files

The fxzy file format

The Fluxzy file format (fxzy) is an ad hoc file format designed to optimize the storage of HTTP sessions with PCAPNG data and to ensure rapid I/O throughout during capture sessions.

Fxzy uses mpack to stores request and response headers with it's metadata. The fluxzy implementation uses MessagePack-CSharp. This ensures the format is not only efficient in terms of space but also robust and reliable for varied use-cases encountered during debugging sessions with Fluxzy.

During an active capture session, fluxzy dumps collected web datas into a temporary directory. The fluxzy file is just a compressed version of this directory.

The interface IArchiveReader specify the common read operation of any fluxzy archive input.

Reading from a directory

You can use DirectoryArchiveReader to read from dump directory.

IArchiveReader reader = new DirectoryArchiveReader("path/to/directory");

// call subsequent method to retrieve a particular exchange or connection

Reading from a fxzy file

You can use FxzyArchiveReader to read from a fxzy file.

var reader = new FxzyArchiveReader("path/to/fxzy/file");

// call subsequent method to retrieve a particular exchange or connection

Reading from a har file

Fluxzy does not contains native way to parse immediatly an HAR file. Instead, it has utility methods to convert a HAR file to a fluxzy dump directory.

var harImportEngine = new HarImportEngine();
harImportEngine.WriteToDirectory("file.har", "fluxzy_dump_directory");