Export to HTTP Archive format
Fluxzy supports native exporting to the HTTP Archive format (HAR). The HTTP Archive format is a JSON-formatted archive file format for logging of a web browser's interaction with a site. The common extension for these files is .har
You can use the Packager
helper class to export the capture session to a HAR file.
The following example shows how to begin a capture session and export the result as a HAR file.
using Fluxzy;
var tempDirectory = "/path/to/temp/directory";
var fluxzySetting = FluxzySetting.CreateDefault();
// Create a new proxy instance
await using (var proxy = new Proxy(fluxzySetting))
// Connect to client to proxy
Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit");
Packager.ExportAsHttpArchive(tempDirectory, "export.har");
The code below set tempDirectory as the temporary output directory.
Then at the end of the capture session, the code below export the capture session to a HAR file.
Packager.ExportAsHttpArchive(tempDirectory, "export.har");