Table of Contents


Fluxzy is a MITM intermediate that can be used to record and alter HTTP traffic. A MITM intermediate is an app that sits between a client and a server and can intercept and modify the traffic between them.

For the client, fluxzy act as a server and for the server, fluxzy act as a client. By relaying HTTP communication, fluxzy is capable of providing handful of features such as recording, altering and injecting scripts.

Fluxzy is a fully managed library build on top of .NET Standard 2.1 and thereby works on major platforms supported by .NET. However, as our default build pipelines covers only Windows, macOS and Linux, we provide optimized builds for these platforms.


Fluxzy.Core is licensed under the terms of GNU GPL version 3. If you wish to use fluxzy in a proprietary application or if you need extra support including private builds, please contact us at this page.

Fluxzy is builded with dependencies that are licensed under their own terms. You must agree to their terms individually to use fluxzy. Particularly, Fluxzy.Core.Pcap uses a stock version SharpPcap under LGPLv3 license which you have to comply with. We warmly also invite you to support these projects which bring a lot of value to the community.


Fluxzy .NET packages are a set of libraries that can be used to integrate in your own application, most of the fluxzy features.

There are two main packages:

  • Fluxzy.Core which contains the core logic of the MITM proxy with recording and altering features through filters and action.
  • Fluxzy.Core.Pcap is an add-on that enables raw packet capture along with HTTP Request. Under the hood, it's using the awesome SharpPcap library.


  • Host running .NET Standard 2.1, optimized build are provided for .NET 6.0 and .NET 8.0.
  • libpcap for linux and macOS, winpcap for windows or any equivalent library.


The recommended way to get the latest stable version of Fluxzy.Core and Fluxzy.Core.Pcap is to get it via

Fluxzy.Core is a transitive dependency of Fluxzy.Core.Pcap so if you wish to use raw capture feature, you can just install Fluxzy.Core.Pcap .

PM> Install-Package Fluxzy.Core.Pcap

Otherwise, you can just go on with

PM> Install-Package Fluxzy.Core